April 27th 2024 at Helen’s dance

104 Av. Victor Hugo, 1750 Luxembourg

Over the past two Saturdays, we’ve been able to discover the benefits of self-witnessing, giving us permission to get closer and closer to ourselves through dance, and to invest our whole body in our search for authenticity and truth.

This Saturday, we’re going to take the Art of Witnessing a step further, by “seeing” the other, by witnessing a partner.

As a witness we are not ‘looking at’ the person moving, we are witnessing, listening, bringing a specific quality of attention or presence to the experience of the mover.
However, there is always a part of our awareness that remains “at home”, in ourselves, as we give our attention to another. Not losing track of our own presence is most important.

The relationship between mover and witness is one of benevolence, trust and loving kindness. It implies non-judgment and openness.

Isn’t this exactly what we look for in our relationships with others in everyday life?
To be seen and to see?

We explore this on the dance floor so that we can include it in our relationships.
On Saturday morning, where movement is our language, we witness our dance partner moving. When we are off the floor we can do the same witnessing while someone is speaking to us in words.
In both situations, on the floor and off the floor there is a shared field of consciousness and we notice when our witness is more or less absorbed with their own thoughts.
and we also notice when the mover/speaker becomes less conscious.

In the discipline of witnessing, the mover longs to be seen in their true nature, to be known by the outer witness. The outer witness longs to see another clearly. From this place of essential human desire for intimate, loving connection, the mover’s circle of being overlaps with the outer witness’ circle of being as they commit to practicing the discipline together.
Janet Adler

Price: 25 €
You can pay cash at the beginning of the class
You can use PayPal if you have an account
You can use Payconiq
You can transfer 25€ on my Bank Account IBAN LU85 0024 1521 8570 0000

Wear comfortable clothes in layers, you might like also to wear socks at the beginning or during the whole class
Bring your bottle of water or tea.
… and bring your love for movement, music, your curiosity and your willingness to see and to be seen…

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